Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2020

A Reflection on Harry Potter Fan Fiction

One of the most significant aspects of the story is that it seeks to remain as close as possible to the original Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. This is essential because it allows for the advancement of greater clarity while at the same time helping the author ensure that there is the observance of ethics. In addition, logic is another aspect of the story because it develops pinions concerning the circumstances that are undergone by the various characters within it and allowing for the development of logical conclusions concerning what happens to them. A consequence is that the author advances the stories of the various characters in such a way that these characters are not only appealing to the audience, but also helps the latter develop a connection with them. The author further ensures that there is an appeal to the emotions of the audience, in such a way that some of the characters that were portrayed as evil in the original Rowling story, such as the Dursleys, are portrayed as being good in this fan fiction post; a direct deviation that is more appealing and realistic. These changes to some of the characters ensure that the audience become more attached to the in such a way that puts them in a better light.

The setting of the story is essential because it has ensured that the characters are within an environment where they are portrayed in a better light. In addition, there is an attempt to ensure that the darker aspects of the original story are removed from the fan fiction. This is essential in the advancement of a sense of relief among the audience because it ensures that there is the creation of means through which the various characters are not always portrayed as being in a sad environment essentially from the beginning of the story to its end. Furthermore, the writing style is one that seeks to ensure that there is the advancement of narrative aspects in the story over dialogue. The story is essentially brought about in a narrative and descriptive style that for the most part ignores such aspects as dialogue. However, it allows for the greater understanding of the backgrounds of the various characters in the fan fiction and this is in such a way that it helps in getting the audience more involved in the story. In this way, it becomes possible for the audience to learn more about the background of the fan fiction and also become more interested in it. This interest is essential in encouraging the audience to want to read more of the story.

The text in the fan fiction has considerable potential because it has the ability to be developed into a wider story. It is able to capture the imagination of the audience in such a way that seeks to bring about a different version of the original story. The fan fiction is also essential in the advancement of means through which the audience can have a different view of the original story, and come to accept and become attached to some of the characters that they may have disliked in the canon version. For example, the text shows that the Dursleys are actually quite likeable individuals, and this is in contrast to the canon version, where the same individuals are portrayed as being unlikeable characters. However, there are considerable inter-textual similarities, especially in the latter part of the fan fiction story, where the storyline seems to merge with that of the canon version. A result of these similarities is that the audience comes to identify with the various characters while at the same time ensuring that they are able to feel that the fan fiction is essentially another version of the same story that they have been attached to all along.

The language used in the fan fiction post is extremely important in the advancement of the story. This is because it helps the audience to have a better understanding of the different scenarios of the story and the manner through which the various characters are developed. While the language use is for the most part descriptive, it allows the audience to make sure that they feel a sense of continuity since the story addresses characters with whom they are familiar. In addition, the language used also makes it possible for the audience to attain a sense of newness that essentially makes the story more accommodative to their needs. The language in the fan fiction serves the purpose of making sure that there is the creation of a sense of difference in the narrative of the story because it deviates from that of the canon story. Instead, it has a different tone and perspective when compared to the canon version and this is fundamental in helping in showing the considerably new direction that the author has taken when compared to the canon. Language is therefore essential in the development of the fan fiction story because it is not only simple, but it also helps in the advancement of means through which the audience becomes more interested in it.

The fan fiction can be considered to have a high score when it comes to audience interaction. This is because it enables the audience to have an alternative perspective to a story that they may have read; attracting them to a scenario where they are able to rekindle their love for the various characters within the canon. The canonical version of the story, which is much darker, is moderated by the fan fiction and this is in such a way that promotes the advancement of the various storylines while at the same time creating new ones. In this way, it becomes possible for the author to engage with the audience since the latter is able to enjoy the story while at the same time having a sense of freshness in the narrative. In addition, because the author is essentially writing a new piece and it is likely that it will get the interest of the audience, especially in a situation where the audience has a desire to have a level of continuity to their favorite story. A consequence is that the interaction with the audience in the fan fiction story is extremely good to such an extent that it not only captures their attention, but it also allows them to feel that there is a sense of newness as well as continuity in the story.

The effectiveness of the fan fiction story cannot be underestimated because it ensures that there is the advancement of a storyline that is extremely active when it comes to connecting with the audience. It allows for the creation of means through which to ensure that the audience is engaged in the narrative, including new aspects into the original narrative found in the canon version. An instance of this is where Harry Potter gets the lightning scar, not when he is a baby, but as a grown child when he is struck by lightning. While there is a level of narrative continuity in the fan fiction story, the author also goes in a completely different direction when it comes to the style. This is because the author seeks to ensure that the language that he uses is as simple as possible in order to not only connect with the audience, but also likely to provide for room that can be used in the editing process. In this way, it becomes possible for the author to shift away from the canon narrative to one that is his own original work.