Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Racial Representation in Langston Hughes' Mulatto and George L. Aiken's Uncle Tom's Cabin


The representation of race in various plays is important in showing the manner through which individuals in American society viewed one another. This is especially the case in plays that are set in the era of slavery, showing the manner through which the various characters see the members of other races, such as the way that whites view blacks, and the justification for the institution of slavery. Race and slavery are institutions that are tied together in such a way that promotes the idea that it is the right of one race to enslave the other; a situation that essentially leads to the conflict that is seen in plays such as Mulatto: A Play of the Deep South, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In this paper, there will be an analysis of the representation of race in these two plays and the manner through which the various characters within them deal with the issue of race and racial relations.

One of the most fundamental aspects of these plays is that they handle such issues as the statuses of mulattoes and the children of slaves. Mulattoes are depicted as being stuck in a world where they are neither white nor black but are instead in a confused state where they are not able to decide where they belong. This depiction is seen in Mulatto, where the character of Robert, who is the son of a white plantation owner and his slave, feels that he should not be treated any differently from the white people in society. A result is that there are constant warnings concerning the potential tragedy that Robert might bring not only to himself, but also to other slaves in the region (Hughes). In addition, Uncle Tom’s Cabin seeks to show the fate that awaits the children of slaves, especially in situations where their masters believe that they have to sell them. One of the first incidents that take place in the play is where Eliza escapes with her son in order to avoid having her son sold by her owners because the latter need the money. Furthermore, later in the play, the character of Cassy is introduced, and she is an individual who was separated from her son and daughter after they were sold. Her story is a tragic one because she ends up in a situation where she makes the terrible decision to kill her third child rather than get separated from it (Aiken). Therefore, the fate of the children of slaves seems to be doomed to slavery, and this is to such an extent that they are often separated from their parents.

Among the most significant aspects of the representation of race in these plays is the constant depiction, by some characters, of blacks being inferior to their white counterparts. This is especially the case in Uncle Tom’s Cabin where Uncle Tom is forced into situations that would daunt any other human being. For example, despite having a wife and children of his own, his owners do not hesitate to separate him from them when they sell him to a new owner. In addition, Uncle Tom is forced into a situation where he is tortured by Legree, his new owner, who is hostile to him because Tom will not submit to his will (Aiken). The brutality that Legree delivers on Uncle Tom is based on racial prejudice and this is to such an extent that it eventually causes the death of Uncle Tom. In Mulatto, Norwood is criticized by members of his society for having a relationship with his slave, with one, Higgins, going as far as suggesting that Norwood gets married (Hughes). He suggests marriage because of the belief that the presence of a white woman on the plantation will help Norwood not to treat his slaves so softly. This is an important indication of the belief that blacks are inferior because Norwood’s relationship with his slave, Cora, is seen as scandalous to such an extent that Norwood is torn between acknowledging his children and seeking to ensure that they are forced into becoming more submissive.

The humanity of the black people is depicted in both plays, especially considering that some of their white counterparts look upon them as little more than animals. In Mulatto, there is an attempt to depict the humanity of the characters, especially Cora and her son Robert. Robert is an individual who is proud of his white heritage and believes that it is a means of ensuring that his rights as a human being are recognized. Furthermore, he is an individual who, unlike his siblings, seeks to ensure that Norwood acknowledges him as his son, despite the scandal that it might cause as a result (Hughes). In the course of the play, Cora, following Robert’s murder of Norwood, is shown to have a sense of bitterness because Norwood did not acknowledge any of their children together. In Uncle Tom, there is also an attempt to depict the humanity of blacks through a diversity of methods, including showing the manner through which Eliza makes the decision to escape slavery because she does not want to be separated from her son (Aiken). In addition, Uncle Tom is shown to be a deeply religious individual, whose faith is the one thing that ensures that he is able to endure a life in slavery. His close friendship with Eva, a white girl, because of their common interest in their faith as Christians is also essential in promoting an image of Uncle Tom as being a very human individual. Also, it is Uncle Tom who encourages Cassy to escape their enslavement by Legree, which is an extremely brutal experience.

The theme of desire for freedom is another fundamental aspect of the two plays because it is essential to the understanding of the representation of race. Unlike their white counterparts, who are essentially born free, the black people or those with black blood are born into slavery because of their racial status. In Uncle Tom, the escapes made by Eliza, and later by Cassy, are based on a desire to achieve the same freedoms that are exercised by the free members of society. A consequence is that these characters seek refuge in a country where it would be declared free, that is, Canada (Aiken). This was at a period in history when the British had declared slavery illegal in their empire, meaning that it was a safe place for them to start their lives as free individuals. In Mulatto, Robert is seen to be an individual that is determined to attain his freedom, and this is based on his belief that because he is Norwood’s son, he has the right to be free. This is a fundamental aspect of the play because it depicts an individual who is able to make sure that he not only accepts who he is, but is determined to ensure that society accepts him as well, despite his having a black mother who is also a slave. Robert refuses to accept the reality of his enslavement and is determined to fight against it in order to become free.

In conclusion, Mulatto and Uncle Tom’s Cabin are essential plays when it comes to the representation of race. They suggest that race is made use of to enforce a social order where one race establishes dominance over another. A consequence is that there is both conflict and resistance on the part of some individuals as they seek to overcome the burdens established by the highly oppressive social order.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Roland Barthes’ A Lover’s Discourse


The subject of love has been a part of human discourse from time immemorial and it has been used as a means of describing the manner through which individuals have emotions and personalities as well as reactions that correspond to the feelings associated with it. It has been studied and recorded in a diverse number of works to such an extent that they have essentially become innumerable. One of the most significant authors on the subject of love is Roland Barthes, who has written quite a lot concerning the effect of love on the intellect, especially the part of the mind that functions as the producer of language. Barthes promotes the idea that love essentially exists through the outpouring of language to such an extent that it is essentially a means through which individuals who are in love share what they feel for one another. Therefore, Barthes, in his A Lover’s Discourse, essentially discusses love as a discourse or language that rather than being analyzed, is an emotion that should be enacted.

A Lover’s Discourse is essentially an attempt to ensure that a discourse concerning love is created in such a way that it is not only dramatized, but also recreated. Therefore, love is essentially a means through which to ensure that there is the advancement of an understanding of love in such a way that promotes its simulation rather than its description. It is a means through which to ensure that there is the development of methods that advances the emotional nature of love rather than analyzing or describing it; which can end up leading to a loss of meaning. For example, in the text, Barthes states that “I-love-you is without nuance. It suppresses explanations, adjustments, degrees, scruples” (Barthes, 1978, p. 148). A consequence is that rather than seeking to associate love with certain characteristics or physical aspects, it becomes essential to make sure that there is the advancement of means through which to bring about the establishment of the emotional aspects of love. Barthes in this work essentially seeks to undertake it not through mediation, but actually seek to show the feelings of the lover himself. A consequence is that there is no intermediary in the process to show how the lover is feeling because the reader ends up delving into the lover’s mind to such an extent that the lover’s emotions are handled firsthand and there is the creation of means through which the readers are better able to understand the lover. In A Lover’s Discourse, Barthes is able to make the reader have a direct discourse with the lover so that the former delves into the emotional state of the latter without the mediation of the writer to describe the emotions that the lover has.

In this particular work, Barthes essentially makes use of language in a transactional manner in such a way that ensures the advancement of how love affects individuals. This is especially the case where the transactional aspect of language is made use of in such a way that ensures that it shows how individuals do things. He goes even deeper by seeking to ensure that he makes use of language to show the declarative and expressive aspects of the lover, as shown where he states, “Industrious, indefatigable, the language machine humming inside me…” (Barthes, 1978, p. 220). In this case, language is essentially used to express meaning in such a way that it does not refer to things, but it instead seeks to advance expressions by virtue of its own structure. A consequence is that a term such as love could stand for not only the feelings that individuals have towards one another, but also the emotional state as well as other feelings that individuals might have. In this circumstance, it becomes possible to ensure that there is the advancement of the interests of such a subject as love in a manner that allows for broader thinking that goes beyond merely describing it, but also seeks to bring about its expressive aspects. Love should therefore be seen as a discussion between individuals where they express and declare their feelings towards each other rather than a situation that focuses merely on the descriptive aspects that tend to essentially be superficial. This focus opens up love into a discourse that is inexhaustible because it is a means through which the expressiveness of the feelings involved can be achieved effectively.

The discourse of love covered in A Lover’s Discourse follows a formula developed by Barthes that seeks to define the way that individuals answer to it. In this discourse, there is an attempt to ensure that the feelings of the lover are portrayed in such a way that the emotional response is one that defines feelings rather than seeking to describe the tangible aspects of love. This is especially the case where he states, “Is not tautology that preposterous state in which are to be found, all values being confounded, the glorious end of the logical operation, the obscenity of stupidity….” (Barthes, 1978, p. 21). The language of love is, in this case, used in order to bring about those aspects that are extremely important to the manner in which individuals connect. The lover’s feelings towards one another are explored in detail to such an extent that the language used allows for the feelings to be described for their own sakes rather than being promoted in such a way that it leads to the advancement of the descriptive aspects that tend to lack the expressive factor. Achieving this goal can be considered Barthes’ most important accomplishment because it ensures that there is the creation of means through which language can be used for its own sake rather than being used in a bid to find meaning. This accomplishment helps in making sure that the reader is able to find out more about the expressions that are associated with love such as its amorous nature that can lead to a diversity of other feelings such as anxiety, the latter coming about when the love given is not requited (Boswell, 2016). Thus, Barthes ensures that rather than undertaking a straight line of thinking that is deductive, he makes use of language to show how love can be expressed in a manner that allows for it to be comment on, contradicted, developed, and exemplified so that the reader can be directly connected to the content.

 In Barthes’ work, the connection between love and language is emphasized considerably because it is a means through which to enhance its expressiveness. Language is considered a means to bring about the establishment of the manner through which individuals are able to express themselves without necessarily seeking to include the conventional aspects that have become predominant when considering love. For example, Barthes states that “Orgasm is not spoken, but it speaks, and it says I-love-you” (Barthes, 1978, p. 149). A careful consideration of this use of language is extremely important because it allows for the establishment of avenues that can be used to reach the audience more effectively. It enables the reader to feel comfortable in showing the expressive nature of love without the constraints that are placed on it through conventions that have been established over time to regulate the manner through which individuals can express themselves. One of the most consequential conclusions that can be made about the use of language, especially when it comes to expressing love, is that it has been developed in such a way that it puts limits to the process so that the individuals involved end up using language in descriptive terms rather than in a manner that makes sure that the entire process is made use of without restrictions (Schmitz, 2017). It seems that the achievement of this goal is what Barthes intends in A Lover’s Discourse because it allows for the advancement of the subject of love through seeking removing all the burdens and descriptiveness that serve as restrictions to fully achieving the potential of the direct connection between language and love. Thus, it is essentially a degree of using language to write in such a way that makes love to be expressed in a mode that is uninflected by utility.

The highly original structure of making use of language that is developed by Barthes ensures that there is greater creativity in the process to such an extent that it becomes possible to express love as it is rather than as it should be. A Lover’s Discourse can be considered a means through which he seeks to ensure that he creates an idea of the complexity of love so that he not only includes the highly involved romantic moments, but also those of anxiety and a lover’s quarrel (Pieters, 2015). Through the use of this means, it becomes possible to ensure that the discourse of love is not editorialized, and it is instead a method that seeks to bring about a diversity of fragments that can be expressed by something other than language. It is essentially a narrative or personal experience that cannot be edited and has the means of enabling the reader or audience to feel a connection with the content because he is able to come to terms with them. The removal of all restrictions that might make language descriptive is important because it ensures that its formal purity is maintained so that when it comes to expressing love, there are no hindrances that can bring about a failure in its expressive nature. In the text, Barthes states that “The third person pronoun is a wicked pronoun: it is the pronoun of the non-person, it absents, it annuls” (Barthes, 1978, p. 185). Therefore, the narrative arc is an important method that Barthes adopts in the discourse because it allows him to make use of language in a way that is above the mundane manner that is it normally used. It instead becomes possible to ensure that such devices as coincidence are avoided at all times so that when creating a narrative, its order essentially belongs to the language itself.

In conclusion, Barthes seeks to promote language as not really having a connection with an object and it instead only has meaning in reference to itself. Thus, love is shown to be an expressive form of language that seeks to advance its more unguided aspects rather than adhering to the conventions of writing that stifles its expressiveness. A Lover’s Discourse essentially overcomes the deficiencies that have been placed on the expressiveness of language to such an extent that it creates a direct connection between the reader and the material that is under discussion. It allows the individual to view the expression of love through language as a means through which its true nature is advanced. This work is an important example of why there is a need to make sure that there is a reduction of restrictions in language that might make it difficult to discuss the subject of love.

















Barthes, R. (1978). A Lover's Discourse. New York: Hill and Wang.

Boswell, M. (2016). The Rival Lover: David Foster Wallace and the Anxiety of Influence in Jeffrey Eugenides's The Marriage Plot. MFS Modern Fiction Studies, 62(3), 499-518.

Pieters, J. (2015). Fragments of a consolatory discourse: literature and the fiction of comfort. BARTHES STUDIES, 1(2), 123-147.

Schmitz, T. A. (2017). The Rhetoric of Desire in Philostratus's Letters. Arethusa, 50(2), 257-282.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

On the Translation of Culture Specific Concepts


In the contemporary world, where there has been an increase in instances of sampling of the literature from a diversity of cultures, translations have become common. This is an important aspect because it is a feature of the globalized world where individuals and cultures have essentially come to be seen as equal (Venuti, 2016). In addition, there has been an inspiration to ensure that there is the advancement of means through which the cultural practices of different peoples are understood. A consequence has been that there have been widespread instances where there is need to ensure that there are translations of texts aimed at bringing about this understanding. One of the biggest features of translations is that there is often language appropriation, where there is the inclusion of foreign words in the text of the language that the text is being translated to. It involves a situation where there is a potential of translations being used in the service of the ideology of the translator (Lefevere, 1992). This is an important means of making sure that there is the advancement of means through which aspects of the culture that is being translated are highlighted. A consequence is that the translated text ends up being interspersed with the text from the original language, which ensures that individuals who read it get a sense of the cultural aspect (Hermans, 2002). This situation can be one that encouraged readers to ensure that they seek to understand the meanings of the various words that have been used in the translated text, and read them in context so that the full meaning of the narrative can be obtained.

Translations into other languages can also face considerable dilemmas when it comes to the rendering of foreign words found in the original text. This is an extremely important procedure because it involves a situation where there is a need to render the foreign words in such a way that advances the retention of their meanings while at the same time making it possible to ensure that the cultural references are also left intact (Haroon and Daud, 2017). In most cases, translators seek to retain the original meaning through the use of approximate words in the language that it is being translated to because it allows the readers to not only effectively understand what is being referenced, but also helps them to come up with a means through which they can understand other cultures with direct reference to their own culture. However, there is often a diversity of translation procedures, and these are determined by the translator involved. In situations where words are difficult to translate and retain the original meaning, some translators choose to make sure that they either maintain the original word during translation, or seek to make use of words that are as close to meaning as possible to the words on the original text (Williams and Chesterman, 2014). In this way, the translation process could end up seeking to ensure that the text remains as faithful as possible to the original text while at the same time allowing for the comprehensibility of the text once the translation process has been completed. Therefore, texts are often translated in a manner that helps target readers comprehend the text that they are reading.

One of the most significant considerations that have to be made by translators is that different cultures tend to influence the way that members of that society perceive the world. This is an important principle when it comes to translation because it ensures that the translator is able to effectively convey the message from the source text to his audience (Maasoum and Davtalab, 2011). In this case, it is essential for all translators to ensure that they have some knowledge concerning the diverse translation strategies that they can apply towards the development of a comprehensive text that not only remains faithful to the original, but is also able to convey the intended message to the audience. Undertaking to translate culture specific items is pertinent to the overall comprehensibility of the text because it allows the translator to capture the original meaning of the text and come up with means through which to promote the cultural meaning of the words that are used. It is also essential for the translator to take note of those culture specific words that are important for the achievement of a true capturing of original meanings (Schmied, 2017). Culture specific words tend to be exclusive to their respective cultures and under these circumstances; the translator has to be extremely careful when rendering translations because they could end up completely changing the original meaning of the text that are translating. Therefore, even though there are words and concepts that are common to all languages, they tend to be expressed differently in certain cultural contexts, meaning that the translator has to follow a strategy that retains its faithfulness to the original text.

One of the main duties of a translator is to select an appropriate means of handling culture specific words and items because it is an essential means of making sure that the translation takes place effectively. The diversity of methods of translating culture specific items is important because they help translators come up with appropriate translations that reflect the cultures that they are referencing (Braçaj, 2015). There are instances where translators have a hard time finding words that completely correspond to the culture specific items or words that are found in original texts. It therefore becomes essential for them to come up with appropriate words that are essential in the advancement of the translation process, and these often either involve undertaking to translate them to their closest approximations, or maintaining the original form while at the same time providing an explanation based in the cultural context of the original text. A consequence of such a situation is that it leads the translated text to have instances where the original text is changed from the original one in order to adapt to the cultural context within which it has been translated (Newmark, 1988). Therefore, the achievement of a translation that essentially remains loyal to the original text, while feasible, can also be elusive because of the different cultural contexts involved in the language. It all depends on the methods used by the translator to come up with the most appropriate translation possible that makes it easier for the reader to understand the text.

Translations can be subject to change from the original text because of cultural differences. This is especially the case considering that languages tend to be subject to their respective cultures, meaning that it would be extremely difficult for the translation of certain items to be translated effectively (House, 2014, Katan, 2014). A consequence is that translators end up in a situation where they are forced to ensure that they convert the text into language that corresponds to the culture that the text is being translated to. There are a number of ways through which a translator can ensure that he conducts an effective translation of the text. The first of these is through the use of borrowing or undertaking a transference procedure. This is a process that involves the use of words or terms that essentially maintain the original forms of the words without any direct translations. In addition, there is the adaptation of two cultural words, which essentially involves a situation where the translator makes the decision to make use of words that correspond to the original words on the original text. Finally, the translator can adapt a procedure where rather than attempting to either use transference or adaptation; he or she can undertake a procedure of describing the cultural word (Wahid and Sukur, 2012). The description of the cultural word is an extremely effective means of making sure that the translation remains as close to the original in meaning as possible.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnet 7


Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem is one that seems to promote an image where a woman is expressing her love for a man. It is likely that the poem is a reflection of the manner through which Browning loves her husband, and what her love has been able to do for her. This is especially considering that before she met her future husband, she had been a sickly individual, and it was only after she got married that she had an improvement in her health status (Browning, The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning 16). The information concerning her personal life can be considered useful in understanding this poem because it shows that she is an individual that makes use of her personal experiences in her work. It also promotes an image of an individual that is able to ensure that she creates a reflection of her personal life in her work in such a way that she brings her audience as close as possible to the reality of what occurs between two individuals that love one another. Thus, she is able to ensure that there is an increase in the emotional effect of her work on her audience.

One of the most significant aspects of this poem is that it promotes an image of an individual that is deeply in love; which ensures that there is a joyous tone throughout the poem. This is seen through the way that she describes her meeting with her lover using terms such as hearing “the footsteps” of her lover’s “soul” next to her (Browning XX, line 1). This is an extremely important statement because it shows that she is an individual that was extremely lonely until such a time as she met her lover. In addition, in the same line, she adds “I think” (Browning XX, line 1), meaning that despite the joy that she is currently feeling, she is still uncertain concerning the direction towards which her life is heading. Her statements suggest that while she is joyful about the events that are taking place in her life, she is also concerned about their consequences. Furthermore, she seems to attribute her continuing to live to her lover, as seen in the case where she suggests that he saved her from “obvious death” and provided her to discover the joys “Of life in a new rhythm” (Browning XX, lines 6-7). These are extremely important lines because they promote an image of an individual that seems to have been extremely lonely until such a time as she met her lover. The statement “obvious death” is highly symbolic because it implies that the persona lived in an environment and society where nobody understood her, until such a time as her lover came to her life.

The imagery used in the poem is also extremely important in understanding the state of mind of the writer. This is especially the case where the image of being in the “brink of obvious death” is brought up. It shows that the writer is an individual that was very close to death and that if not for her lover, she would have ended up dying. However, with her recovery, an image of the celebration of life is promoted, since the individual involved concedes that while there are troubles in life, as seen in her sickliness, there is still so much to live for. The use of juxtaposition can be seen in “country, heaven” (Browning XX, line 10) and this is extremely important in the advancement of the idea that because of the love that she feels for her lover, she is no longer willing to die. Instead, the world has become a better place for her to such an extent that it can be compared to heaven. Therefore, in the poet’s mind, it seems to heaven and country are essentially interchangeable aspects of the same thing; meaning that joy can not only be found in heaven with God, but also in the regular human life, despite its troubles (Stott and Avery 37). Therefore, while this poem seems to be one that celebrates life and love, and the joys that they bring about in the lives of individuals, it also touches on its grimmer aspects; essentially acknowledging that it is the latter that make the joys so precious.

In conclusion, the poet seems to acknowledge the power of love and the way that it can have a positive effect on the lives of individuals. This is especially the case considering that the mood of the poem increasingly becomes positive from line to line. It shows a perspective that advances the need for individuals to take advantage of all opportunities that they have in life, despite its grimmer aspects, to find joy in it.











Works Cited

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. "Sonnets From The Portuguese." Massachusetts: Barre Publishing (1977).

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Vol. 1. Macmillan, 1898.

Stott, Rebecca, and Simon Avery. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Routledge, 2014.

Friday, July 24, 2020

A Reflection on Harry Potter Fan Fiction

One of the most significant aspects of the story is that it seeks to remain as close as possible to the original Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. This is essential because it allows for the advancement of greater clarity while at the same time helping the author ensure that there is the observance of ethics. In addition, logic is another aspect of the story because it develops pinions concerning the circumstances that are undergone by the various characters within it and allowing for the development of logical conclusions concerning what happens to them. A consequence is that the author advances the stories of the various characters in such a way that these characters are not only appealing to the audience, but also helps the latter develop a connection with them. The author further ensures that there is an appeal to the emotions of the audience, in such a way that some of the characters that were portrayed as evil in the original Rowling story, such as the Dursleys, are portrayed as being good in this fan fiction post; a direct deviation that is more appealing and realistic. These changes to some of the characters ensure that the audience become more attached to the in such a way that puts them in a better light.

The setting of the story is essential because it has ensured that the characters are within an environment where they are portrayed in a better light. In addition, there is an attempt to ensure that the darker aspects of the original story are removed from the fan fiction. This is essential in the advancement of a sense of relief among the audience because it ensures that there is the creation of means through which the various characters are not always portrayed as being in a sad environment essentially from the beginning of the story to its end. Furthermore, the writing style is one that seeks to ensure that there is the advancement of narrative aspects in the story over dialogue. The story is essentially brought about in a narrative and descriptive style that for the most part ignores such aspects as dialogue. However, it allows for the greater understanding of the backgrounds of the various characters in the fan fiction and this is in such a way that it helps in getting the audience more involved in the story. In this way, it becomes possible for the audience to learn more about the background of the fan fiction and also become more interested in it. This interest is essential in encouraging the audience to want to read more of the story.

The text in the fan fiction has considerable potential because it has the ability to be developed into a wider story. It is able to capture the imagination of the audience in such a way that seeks to bring about a different version of the original story. The fan fiction is also essential in the advancement of means through which the audience can have a different view of the original story, and come to accept and become attached to some of the characters that they may have disliked in the canon version. For example, the text shows that the Dursleys are actually quite likeable individuals, and this is in contrast to the canon version, where the same individuals are portrayed as being unlikeable characters. However, there are considerable inter-textual similarities, especially in the latter part of the fan fiction story, where the storyline seems to merge with that of the canon version. A result of these similarities is that the audience comes to identify with the various characters while at the same time ensuring that they are able to feel that the fan fiction is essentially another version of the same story that they have been attached to all along.

The language used in the fan fiction post is extremely important in the advancement of the story. This is because it helps the audience to have a better understanding of the different scenarios of the story and the manner through which the various characters are developed. While the language use is for the most part descriptive, it allows the audience to make sure that they feel a sense of continuity since the story addresses characters with whom they are familiar. In addition, the language used also makes it possible for the audience to attain a sense of newness that essentially makes the story more accommodative to their needs. The language in the fan fiction serves the purpose of making sure that there is the creation of a sense of difference in the narrative of the story because it deviates from that of the canon story. Instead, it has a different tone and perspective when compared to the canon version and this is fundamental in helping in showing the considerably new direction that the author has taken when compared to the canon. Language is therefore essential in the development of the fan fiction story because it is not only simple, but it also helps in the advancement of means through which the audience becomes more interested in it.

The fan fiction can be considered to have a high score when it comes to audience interaction. This is because it enables the audience to have an alternative perspective to a story that they may have read; attracting them to a scenario where they are able to rekindle their love for the various characters within the canon. The canonical version of the story, which is much darker, is moderated by the fan fiction and this is in such a way that promotes the advancement of the various storylines while at the same time creating new ones. In this way, it becomes possible for the author to engage with the audience since the latter is able to enjoy the story while at the same time having a sense of freshness in the narrative. In addition, because the author is essentially writing a new piece and it is likely that it will get the interest of the audience, especially in a situation where the audience has a desire to have a level of continuity to their favorite story. A consequence is that the interaction with the audience in the fan fiction story is extremely good to such an extent that it not only captures their attention, but it also allows them to feel that there is a sense of newness as well as continuity in the story.

The effectiveness of the fan fiction story cannot be underestimated because it ensures that there is the advancement of a storyline that is extremely active when it comes to connecting with the audience. It allows for the creation of means through which to ensure that the audience is engaged in the narrative, including new aspects into the original narrative found in the canon version. An instance of this is where Harry Potter gets the lightning scar, not when he is a baby, but as a grown child when he is struck by lightning. While there is a level of narrative continuity in the fan fiction story, the author also goes in a completely different direction when it comes to the style. This is because the author seeks to ensure that the language that he uses is as simple as possible in order to not only connect with the audience, but also likely to provide for room that can be used in the editing process. In this way, it becomes possible for the author to shift away from the canon narrative to one that is his own original work.

Shakespearean Plays and The Law as an Instrument of Good Governance or Oppression


Law is an integral part of most Shakespearean plays and this is especially considering that many of these involve various aspects of the law. Most plays by Shakespeare show that he was an individual that was significantly fascinated by a diversity of legal aspects that are addressed in the way that the characters act. In addition, Shakespeare is an individual that seeks to show that law is an important part of the lives of individuals in society and that it is essential to ensure that they take notice of it. This is especially the case where in Shakespearean plays, law is an integral part of promoting both good governance and oppression because of the numerous legal technicalities that are involved in the process. In this paper, there will be an attempt to show that while law is supposed to be an instrument of good governance, it can also be used to bring about the oppression of certain individuals in society.

Law as an instrument of good governance

In certain Shakespearean plays, law appears to be an instrument of good governance because it enables them to defend themselves from false accusations. Law is an essential aspect of promoting good governance in society and this is a case that is advanced in Shakespearean plays, where individuals are required to be obedient to laws in order to ensure that there is a level of social order (Cunningham, 2017). Plays such as the Merchant of Venice and Julius Caesar show that adherence to the law is an important part of making sure that there is the advancement of social order as well as the avoidance of unnecessary conflict. It also promotes the advancement of means through which to ensure that there is the creation of initiatives that promote solution to problems without resorting to violence. The achievement of these goals through the use of law cannot be underestimated because it shows that it is a means of advancing the interests of good governance. Furthermore, law in Shakespeare can also be used in order to ensure that the interests of the weak are protected against the strong while at the same time helping those in positions of power to promote the advancement of justice in their own societies. A consequence of such a situation is that individuals come to the realization that it is only through the pursuit of law that it becomes possible to not only promote good governance, but also justice in the societies within which they live. 

 Law ensures that there is the advancement of justice in society since the individuals involved are provided with an opportunity to make sure that they are able to advance their individual interests without hurting those of others. One of the most significant cases of law as an instrument of good governance is seen in The Merchant of Venice, where despite Bassanio being maliciously accused of owing Shylock a debt, he is eventually proven to be innocent of the charges that have been brought against him and is acquitted (Hadfield, 2016). Bassanio’s acquittal comes about because of the actions of his wife, who disguises herself as a lawyer and successfully defends her husband against the charges that have been brought against him. That Bassanio is found not to be guilty following the trap that is set to ensnare him by Shylock shows that the law actually works and that it can be a means of ensuring that justice is achieved at all times. The capabilities displayed by Shakespeare in these play show that despite the attempt by certain individuals to make use of the law as an instrument of oppressing their fellows, the law can be made use of as a means of promoting social justice. Bassanio’s acquittal also allows for the development of a perspective concerning the motivations behind why certain individuals are capable of making use of law as a means of advancing their own interests to the detriment of that of others. In the end, as in the case of Shylock, these individuals end up being considered to be the villains of the plays and justice is served when they gain their just punishment.

The pursuit of law is essential for good governance in Shakespeare plays because it promotes the idea that individuals have to set aside their personal interests for the sake of their societies. One of the most important instances is seen in Julius Caesar, where the title character repeatedly refuses to be crowned king of Rome because it is against the laws of the state. Caesar is an individual that, despite his personal ambitions, is still willing to ensure that he attains them through the workings of the law rather than forcing them on the population (Jenkins, 2016). He is shown not to want to shake up the republican order that has been instrumental in governing Rome for centuries; resulting in a situation where despite his popularity and the desire by the population to have him crowned king, he refuses to be crowned in favor of retaining the status quo of the city. A consequence of his actions shows that there is need to ensure the advancement of law as a means of promoting good governance because it creates a situation where Caesar is put in circumstances where he is tempted to assume a role that could do away with the good governance of the city of Rome. However, his refusal to undertake the tempting task of being a king shows that Caesar is an individual that, despite being a dictator, seeks to ensure that there is the promotion of good governance in his home city. Therefore, in this play, Shakespeare promotes the idea that law can be used as a means of ensuring that there is good governance even though the instances where the society is willing to give up its interests because of the popularity of certain individuals.

Law as an instrument of oppression

Despite law being an instrument of good governance, there are instances where it can also be used as a means of promoting oppression. In Shakespeare plays, law is an important aspect of showing that situations arise where law ends up being a means of bringing about either the destruction or oppression of other individuals. One of the most significant parts of law is that it leads individuals towards taking advantage of it to ensure that their individual interests are protected over those of the weak (Omrani, 2016). Using law as a means of advancing individual interests at the expense of others often leads to the oppression of the latter. The result is that many of these individuals end up in situations where they are not able to undertake actions with as much freedom as they would like because to do so could bring about the ire of their oppressors. The role of oppressors in Shakespearean plays tends to be given to villainous rulers, as seen in the case of Claudius in Hamlet. However, there are instances where this role is given to individuals that are considered to be outsiders in their societies, as seen in the case of Shylock, a Jew living in Italy at a time when there was wide mistrust of Jews. Therefore, in Shakespeare plays, when law is addressed, it is done in such a way as to show that despite its being considered a source of good governance, it is also a means through which oppression can be brought about in society; essentially being an instrument of injustice.

Hamlet is one of the most significant Shakespearean plays that address the issue of law as an instrument of oppression. This is especially the case considering that the title character, Hamlet, is a victim of oppression despite not only being from the ruling class of his country, but also the son of the previous king (Thomas, 2014). Despite the privilege that he grows up with, Hamlet is shown to be a weak individual, whose uncle takes advantage of in order to assume the throne. Claudius, his uncle, is shown to be a conniving individual that makes use of every means possible to ensure that he not only kills his brother, but also pushes aside his nephew, who is the legitimate successor to his father, and instead assumes the throne himself. In this situation, Hamlet is depicted as being an extremely weak individual that is taken advantage of by his uncle in such a way that he ends up being denied his rights as the heir to the Danish throne. When his mother marries his uncle, it seems that Hamlet has essentially been pushed aside and he is shown to be an individual that harbors a lot of resentment for the injustice that he has suffered. The way that Claudius takes the throne is not only suspicious, but also goes against the law because the succession was supposed to go to the legitimate successor, Hamlet. Claudius’ succession to the throne shows that he has no regard for the law and that he can twist it in such a way that suits his own purposes to the detriment of his nephew.

The Merchant of Venice is another play that shows that law is an instrument of oppression rather than good governance. The case of Shylock’s false accusations against Bassanio shows that the law can be used as an instrument of oppression. Shylock’s malicious nature is brought forth through his desire to use the law as a means of destroying the life of Bassanio, an individual towards whom he holds considerable hatred for unexplained reasons. A consequence is that Shylock ends up seeking to ensure that he makes use of the law as a means of attaining his malicious objectives. When he requires that Bassanio pays him a debt by giving him a pound of flesh, Bassanio’s hands are tied because the orginal agreement between these two individuals stated that it was a requirement (Nam, 2015). Therefore, Bassanio’s hands are legally tied and Shylock makes use of this advantage over an individual that he considers his adversary to ensure that he seeks to end Bassanio’s life legally because the extraction of a pound of flesh would only mean death. The legal process that Bassanio is subjected to as a result shows that law can be made use of as an instrument of oppression rather than of good governance.

In Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice, there is a sense that law is an instrument of oppression rather than as a means of promoting good governance. Individuals are shown to be extremely vulnerable to the law to such an extent that it leads to a situation where they are placed in unjust situations. They essentially become victims of the malicious machinations of others who feel that they can take advantage of the situation for their own benefit. A result is that some characters are not only able to advance their selfish interests using the law, but there are instances where others are duped into undertaking actions that are illegal, leading to the mental oppression of the individuals involved. The case of the title character in Othello is an essential theme because it involves Othello being duped by Iago into killing his wife because of suspicion of infidelity and jealousy (Myers, 2013). Othello can therefore be considered to have committed a crime because of a moment of madness caused by Iago’s influencing him into breaking the law.


Law is an extremely important part of Shakespearean plays and in most cases, it dominates entire plays. A result of this situation is that it leads to the development of means through which to ensure that there is recognition of the various ways of how law can be both an instrument of good governance as well as that of oppression. The contrasts that are displayed in law show that it is essential for individuals to read Shakespeare with a mind open to the the way that legal matters end up affecting the lives of the characters within the plays. In this way, it becomes possible to make a connection of how Shakespeare is relevant to the lives of individuals in everyday life.

Monday, December 24, 2018

A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid

Jamaica Kincaid in her novel can be said to be structured into four sections each of which is meant to address the diverse issues concerning the island nation of Antigua. Throughout the novel, one will come to the conclusion that the beauty of Antigua that is described by the author is not what it seems. This, it can be argued, is due to the fact that while the island may be full of beauty, it is also ridden with a corruption so great that it has become an integral part of the society. It can further be argued that the main them of the novel is corruption, which is so rife in the Antiguan society that it has led to its underdevelopment. Kincaid describes the beauty of Antigua and makes a sharp contrast of this beauty to the harsh realities which plague this island. When one considers the argument to support this view of her country, one comes to the conclusion that it is all indeed true. One of the arguments that Kincaid makes in support of her argument that Antigua is a corrupt society is based on the fact that while the island has many expensive Japanese vehicles, most of them seem not to be working properly (Kincaid, 7). She further makes the observation of there being various mansions all over the islands, most of which were gained through illicit means. The corruption in the government is so bad that ten years after an earthquake, the public library that was damaged in the event has yet to be repaired. The example of the library’s dilapidated nature, it can be argued, is a symbol of the moral and ethical corruption that is prevalent in Antiguan society.
It can be argued that Kincaid, in her novel, is against tourism as it is packaged by the government and businesses of Antigua because of its insincere depiction of life on the island. While tourists are only shown the beautiful aspects of Antigua, they are not normally shown what has come to be the reality among most of the people on the island; that they are living in deplorable conditions because of the mismanagement of their economy. Kincaid’s arguments seem to be overly critical of the government and all of those who are involved in it, because of their massive corruption which has led to the destruction of the country. In the novel, there is even speculation concerning whether the colonial day may have been better than the present, where everything seems to be going wrong. It can be argued that Kincaid looks upon the government and the people of Antigua in general as being too complacent and accepting of the moral ugliness that it taking place in society, slowly destroying it. In addition to this, Kincaid seems to be highly critical of the culture that the people on the island seem to be practicing and this is because of the fact that most of them practice English culture, which is not their original culture (Kincaid, 12). While the people of the island hated the English treatment of them during the colonial period, they seem to have gone against all logic by abandoning or creating their own culture and have instead adopted the culture of their former oppressors. The latter argument seems to be highly critical of the people of Antigua because it seems to show their feeling of inferiority towards the English despite their resentment towards their treatment of them. It seems that Kincaid is attempting to display the irony that exists in Antiguan society, that while the people hate the oppressor, they love the oppressor’s culture.
Among the most prominent issues that are discussed in the novel is concerning the library, which, despite the ability of the wealthy members of the Mill Reef Club to fix it, they choose not to do it. They instead demand that the library be rebuilt first before they can offer any assistance of their own. It can be argued that the Mill Reef Club, being an all-white establishment does not consider the current state of affairs in the country, being out of their control, to be undesirable, and that they are only being nostalgic for the colonial days, when they were the ruling class of Antigua (Kincaid, 24). The neglect of the library is also a sign, it can be argued, of the state of affairs of the education sector of the country since it has also come to suffer a lot of neglect from the government. Books, it is well known, are the means through which culture is preserved and the fact that the minister of culture has allowed the library to remain as it is ten years after the earthquake is deplorable. In fact, an argument can be made that the minister of culture, despite holding onto a ministry responsible for the cultural development of Antigua does not seem to know what he is doing. In fact, it can be said that he is only in his position because of the pay as well as the prestige that goes with it, not knowing exactly what his docket stands for. It can also be argued that this is a testament of the corruption in government that has made it possible for the development of a lack of the preservation of Antiguan culture in favour of others.
In conclusion, it can be said that Kincaid makes many pertinent arguments concerning culture in the Antiguan society, and how it has come to be affected by the government as well as the people themselves. The depiction of the government in the novel is highly unfavourable because of the fact that many of the government officials seem to be extremely corrupt and because of this, they have made Antigua to be an underdeveloped country. The neglect of the library, which has been given a lot of prominence in the novel, can be said to be a symbol of the destruction of the culture of Antigua in favour of the English culture, which has created a situation of cultural loss within its population. It can therefore be concluded that Kincaid’s novel is about the loss Antiguan culture and the need to maintain this culture for future generations.