Thursday, August 6, 2020

Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnet 7


Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem is one that seems to promote an image where a woman is expressing her love for a man. It is likely that the poem is a reflection of the manner through which Browning loves her husband, and what her love has been able to do for her. This is especially considering that before she met her future husband, she had been a sickly individual, and it was only after she got married that she had an improvement in her health status (Browning, The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning 16). The information concerning her personal life can be considered useful in understanding this poem because it shows that she is an individual that makes use of her personal experiences in her work. It also promotes an image of an individual that is able to ensure that she creates a reflection of her personal life in her work in such a way that she brings her audience as close as possible to the reality of what occurs between two individuals that love one another. Thus, she is able to ensure that there is an increase in the emotional effect of her work on her audience.

One of the most significant aspects of this poem is that it promotes an image of an individual that is deeply in love; which ensures that there is a joyous tone throughout the poem. This is seen through the way that she describes her meeting with her lover using terms such as hearing “the footsteps” of her lover’s “soul” next to her (Browning XX, line 1). This is an extremely important statement because it shows that she is an individual that was extremely lonely until such a time as she met her lover. In addition, in the same line, she adds “I think” (Browning XX, line 1), meaning that despite the joy that she is currently feeling, she is still uncertain concerning the direction towards which her life is heading. Her statements suggest that while she is joyful about the events that are taking place in her life, she is also concerned about their consequences. Furthermore, she seems to attribute her continuing to live to her lover, as seen in the case where she suggests that he saved her from “obvious death” and provided her to discover the joys “Of life in a new rhythm” (Browning XX, lines 6-7). These are extremely important lines because they promote an image of an individual that seems to have been extremely lonely until such a time as she met her lover. The statement “obvious death” is highly symbolic because it implies that the persona lived in an environment and society where nobody understood her, until such a time as her lover came to her life.

The imagery used in the poem is also extremely important in understanding the state of mind of the writer. This is especially the case where the image of being in the “brink of obvious death” is brought up. It shows that the writer is an individual that was very close to death and that if not for her lover, she would have ended up dying. However, with her recovery, an image of the celebration of life is promoted, since the individual involved concedes that while there are troubles in life, as seen in her sickliness, there is still so much to live for. The use of juxtaposition can be seen in “country, heaven” (Browning XX, line 10) and this is extremely important in the advancement of the idea that because of the love that she feels for her lover, she is no longer willing to die. Instead, the world has become a better place for her to such an extent that it can be compared to heaven. Therefore, in the poet’s mind, it seems to heaven and country are essentially interchangeable aspects of the same thing; meaning that joy can not only be found in heaven with God, but also in the regular human life, despite its troubles (Stott and Avery 37). Therefore, while this poem seems to be one that celebrates life and love, and the joys that they bring about in the lives of individuals, it also touches on its grimmer aspects; essentially acknowledging that it is the latter that make the joys so precious.

In conclusion, the poet seems to acknowledge the power of love and the way that it can have a positive effect on the lives of individuals. This is especially the case considering that the mood of the poem increasingly becomes positive from line to line. It shows a perspective that advances the need for individuals to take advantage of all opportunities that they have in life, despite its grimmer aspects, to find joy in it.











Works Cited

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. "Sonnets From The Portuguese." Massachusetts: Barre Publishing (1977).

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Vol. 1. Macmillan, 1898.

Stott, Rebecca, and Simon Avery. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Routledge, 2014.

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