Showing posts with label War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018


Amazing coincidences, while extremely rare, happen in the real world. This is mainly because they help to bring about a situation where the individuals involved end up questioning the events that are taking place around them and wondering whether or not they were destined to take place. The lives of individuals all over the world are in one way or another connected and this is the reason why the actions of individuals in one part of the world might end up affecting the lives of others in another part. Such instances can be seen in The Garden of Forking Paths, which is a story that promotes the idea that amazing coincidences actually take place. The lives of Yu Tsun and Stephen Albert, despite their not knowing it, are connected as seen through the manner in which Albert seems to be attracted to the work of Tsui Pen, and ancestor of Yu Tsun. Albert’s admiration for the work of Tsui Pen is an amazing coincidence because in the process, he does not realize that his life is going to be ended by a descendant of the person that he admires. Additionally, when Yu Tsun decides to go on a mission to kill Albert in order to send a message to his German masters, he ends up being surprised that the individual that he wants to kill is one who may have removed the should of mystery concerning his own past. However, despite the realization of the coincidence revolving between these two individuals, Yu Tsun ends up putting duty first by killing Albert.
Plato’s view of amazing coincidence can be considered to be one that is extremely complex. This is seen through the advancement of the belief that it is extremely rare to find a coincidence between interest and duty among individuals. This is a highly significant observation because it shows that individuals in society tend to choose between one and the other. Those individuals who are able to maintain a balance between their duties and interests are extremely rare and this is the reason why it is difficult for such coincidences to happen. Therefore, Plato suggests that in order to find a coincidence, individuals have to dismiss the common notions concerning interest and duty and consider them to be essentially mistaken. The dismissal of these ideas makes all the difference because those individuals who do so come to the conclusion that catering for either their obligations or interests lead to a situation where it is nearly impossible to find a situation where they are not causing harm. Plato seems to push for a definition of coincidence which involves those actions or incidents that take place in society according to their natural order rather than being promoted by the illusive definitions that human beings have placed on them. Thus, if all the illusive definition of terms that are used in society were dispelled, it would be possible to come to the realization that those aspects of life that are called coincidences tend to happen more often than is realized.
Descartes seems to promote the idea that coincidence comes about as a result of the familiarity of individuals with sensory objects. This is especially considering that this familiarity makes it extremely difficult for individuals to notice the diverse incidents that take place in their lives. In those times that they really do notice, they term these incidents as coincidences and do not realize that all of the actions that seem coincidental actually take place on a daily basis. The result is that human beings often seek to rationalize the incidents that happen around them to such an extent that they come to give material attributes to those aspects of life that are immaterial. Based on this view, amazing coincidences are common things that take place on a daily basis and it is as a result of the loss of communion with spiritual realities that human beings have experienced that when they encounter these realities, they end up seeking the refuge of their bodies. It is through being used to observing events from a physical level that individuals are hardly aware of the world around them and when they witness glimpses of the manner through which they are all connected, they are termed coincidences and interpreted as random events. Consequentially, it is essential for individuals to ensure that they attain a greater understanding of the events taking place in their lives, especially coincidences, by withdrawing from the sensory experiences that they have on a daily basis.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Disarming Iran: A First Step by Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s speech seeking to address the Iranian nuclear program is one that promotes the idea that the United States is ready for negotiations. This is especially the case considering that at the time the speech was being made, Iran had just elected a new president who was more open to negotiations with the West and this speech was a means of showing the world that the United States had also chosen to follow suit. However, Obama also offers a warning to the Iranians that if they do not cooperate fully with the United States, they will face further isolation from the international community through the imposition of sanctions. It is also essential that Obama also made comments concerning the steps that have been taken by the United States and its allies to ensure that the Iranian nuclear program is brought to a halt including the imposition of a broad array of sanctions. Additionally, Obama’s statements, especially concerning the willingness to engage with Iran, contain a message of hope that the United States and Iran will be able to reach a deal that will promote the interests of both nations while containing the nuclear ambitions of the latter.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Performance of Macbeth

The performance of Macbeth by various theatrical groups has, from its beginnings to the present, been based on an attempt to replicate the original situation as was written by Shakespeare. The fact that this attempt has continued to be of immense influence in the performance of this play shows just how the individuals who are involved in it are conscious of the importance of depicting the play in an accurate way. Macbeth is one of the greatest plays and works that were created by Shakespeare for performance on stage and because of this; it has remained exceedingly popular to the present day. When this play is performed in theatres, one will find that most of the scenes remain loyal to the original play since changing any aspect of the script within Macbeth would be detrimental to it on stage. One of the most notable aspects of the play is the fact that some the characters, especially Macbeth, are portrayed in a very negative light, and he ends up doing things that are morally wrong. In the performance of the play, this happens despite these characters having the knowledge that what they are doing is wrong, they tend to do it because of the belief that they are within their rights. For the duration of most of the play, it can be seen that the various actors attempt to remain loyal to the original script often depicting the characters in the play in the most realistic manner as possible. In order to create a situation where there is a contrast of characters that leads the play to its culmination, the performance of the various actors is often crucial in the depiction of the laying bare of the original plot of the play for the audience and this keeps the latter interested in the play.
Just like in the original performance of Macbeth, the actors on the current stage performances often use the characters’ personalities, as depicted in the original script of the play, as well as other events to convince the audience that what they are viewing is the real plot of the film. By doing this, these actors ensure that they maintain the element of revelation that often serves to captivate their audiences at the high point of the play. These stage actors attempt to depict the characters in a way that is almost as exactly as Shakespeare did in his play and by being loyal to the script; the play follows the same course of events as when it is performed on the Shakespearean stage. The performance of Macbeth on stage is highly significant because it is a revelation of the true nature of human beings in the medieval Scotland as told in the sources that Shakespeare used in writing the play. One of the most noteworthy themes in the play, in any of its performances, is that of ambition and this is seen when Macbeth takes steps to take the throne of Scotland despite the fact that he is not in direct line to the said throne. The dark tone which is dominant in the play is also highly significant because it is a revelation of the dark nature of Macbeth and his wife because it shows that they are blinded by their own needs and they cease to care about the needs of those with whom they share their lives.
In the performance of the play, it can be said that the actors put a lot of thought in their characters especially when it comes to the physical appearance of the said characters. In performances, it is seen that the actors seem to be selected from those people who are similar in appearance to the characters that are depicted in the play. This gives the audience the opportunity to appreciate the various characters within the play and to identify with them in a more intimate way than if their appearance were changed. In addition, there is the potential that many of the audience prefer the characters on the stage to remain loyal to the original. It can therefore be said that the performances of the play are highly successful because they ensure that there is a sense of continuity from the original play by Shakespeare. It can be concluded that when the performance of Macbeth is done on stage in the current period, most of the actors tend to remain absolutely loyal not only to the appearance of their characters but also to the original script and this goes a long way in making the play authentic.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Transformation of Achilles

Homer’s Iliad is one of the most popular poems from the ancient world, and it sought to ensure that it promoted the achievements of the various heroes. Among the heroes that are mentioned in the poem, perhaps even one of its most significant subjects is Achilles. Achilles is an individual that undergoes a considerable transformation from being one full of godly pride to one that is essentially human. This paper seeks to document the transformation that Achilles undergoes through an analysis of his pride and honor, his rage, and finally, his humanization.
Among the most significant factors that guide the life Achilles in the Iliad are his pride and honor. These are considered essential traits, especially by the author of the poem, who seeks to enhance them through his characters. Achilles’ pride and honor are what dictate his actions and this is especially the case where he feels that his honor has been betrayed by Agamemnon because the latter, who is the commander of the Achaeans, has essentially taken his mistress, Briseis, away from him. Achilles does not seem to really love Briseis because despite constantly professing his love for her, he does not do anything to stop Agamemnon’s agents from taking her away from him. Achilles therefore is driven by his pride not to undertake any action to protect his mistress, while at the same time also seeking to ensure that his displeasure is shown through his decision not to help the Achaeans in the war effort against Troy.
In addition, Achilles is driven by his rage as seen in the line “Rage – Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles,” (1, 1). The situation essentially leads to significant losses in men during the Trojan War. This is especially the case considering that because of his rage against Agamemnon, Achilles refuses to support his fellow Achaeans in the war to such an extent that the conflict continues to drag on for longer than would otherwise have been the case. His rage, coupled with pride, leads Achilles to focus all his attention on a single individual rather than considering the plight of his countrymen. However, all this changes when Achilles’ best friend, Patroclus, is killed by Hector, the Trojan hero. The result is that Achilles’ rage is shifted from Agamemnon and directed at Hector, on who he wants to exact revenge. This situation changes the tide of the Trojan War to such an extent that Achilles ends up leading the Achaeans to victory while at the same time ending up killing Hector.
Following the death of Hector at the hands of Achilles, the latter’s rage abates and he ended up becoming a more human character. Achilles becomes more capable of showing human emotions, as seen in his joyousness and fairness when he distributes prizes to his colleagues during the funeral games held in honor of Patroclus. In addition, he professes his love for Briseis, who has been restored to him; is a sign of his essentially being happy following the satisfaction of his rage. Moreover, he also agrees to give back Hector’s body to his father King Priam, who desires to give his son an honorable funeral as befits a prince of Troy. Therefore, Achilles’ transformation leads him from a proud individual who believes himself to be superior to all other to being one that is essentially more human with feelings that can be associated with the latter personality.

In conclusion, Achilles is shown to be an individual that throughout most of the Iliad has a building rage. The intervention of the gods prevent him from killing Agamemnon when they have an argument, but it is only after the death of Patroclus that Achilles’ rage becomes of service to the Achaeans. Hector’s death transforms Achilles into a more human character because all the rage that is in him is expended.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Things Fall Apart - Achebe's Criticism of Pre-Colonial Igbo Culture

Things Fall Apart is the story of a society at a crossroads between the traditional way of life, and modernity, as represented by the coming of the white man and the colonial government. It is the story of Okonkwo, the main character, who struggles to attain his position in society and once he achieves it, this position comes to be threatened by the coming of the colonial government. In writing this novel, Chinua Achebe seems to be criticizing some of the traditional ways of the Igbo society through the various characters that are encountered in the novel. Among the things which Achebe looks at are; the killing of hostages for in exchange for a life taken; the definition of masculinity; and finally, the violence displayed by some of the men in Igbo society.
Among the most prominent of the characters in this novel is Okonkwo, whose personality can be said to be thoroughly masculine and who is used as an example from which all the other men in Umuofia are defined. There are instances throughout the novel where Okonkwo is described as doing things which one would associate with masculinity. He is extremely hardworking and ambitious, whose aim is to build his reputation to the highest level that can be attained in his society. While this is the case, he seems to have an extremely difficult relationship with his son, Nwoye, whom he believes not to be manly enough. Okonkwo is, throughout the novel, seen to treat his son quite harshly, even in very trivial situations. This creates a situation where the relationship between these two is extremely strained and there is a rift between them that cannot be filled. As a result, Nwoye eventually chooses to leave his father’s home and join the missionaries, where he eventually comes to find peace. In this case, Achebe seems to be criticizing the aloof nature of Okonkwo in raising his son, believing that if he shows any affection for Nwoye, then the boy will end up being weak and effeminate.
Achebe criticizes the Igbo practice of killing of hostages from another village in revenge in a situation where a person from the said village has taken a life. He uses the case of Ikemefuna to show his disapproval since this boy was brought to Umuofia as a hostage, where he was put in the charge of Okonkwo. Ikemefuna becomes a part of Okonkwo’s household and is, in fact, treated as an older brother by the latter’s children. However, there comes a time when the Oracle declares that Ikemefuna, has to be put to death in revenge for the killing of an Umuofian years earlier. Okonkwo is the one who gives the deathblow with his matchet despite the fact that he had grown extremely fond of the boy. He kills Ikemefuna not because he has to, but because of the fact that he does not want to be seen as weak by his peers. Okonkwo later feels disturbed by this action and goes to speak to his best friend Obierika, who, ever the voice of reason in the novel, tells him that he should not have participated in the killing of Ikemefuna. Obierika further reveals that he himself did not participate in the putting to death of Ikemefuna, and this can be said to be Achebe’s way of showing his disapproval of the practice.
In Things Fall Apart, violence and a quick temper are associated with masculinity and it is something which is associated to all the men within the society. The most prominent of these is Okonkwo, who, despite his being a kindhearted man; he displays his manly authority by ruling his household with a heavy hand, often beating his wives whenever they do anything to offend him. He is also seen to have a particularly bad temper as seen when he almost shoots Ekwefi after she insults his pride. In addition, whereas the other men of Unuofia choose to submit to colonial rule, Okonkwo chooses to retain the past ideals of his society by remaining violent. This eventually leads to a point when he hacks a colonial officer to death with a machete, thinking that this will lead to the men of Umuofia rising against colonial rule. When this does not happen, he realizes that his way of life is gone, and as a result, hangs himself. In this case, Achebe displays his disapproval of the violent ways of the Igbo culture and how such violence might lead to the destruction of the people.