Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Stranger by Albert Camus - Analysis

In “The Stranger”, Meurstault’s mother’s funeral and Meursault’s obvious indifference to the funeral symbolize his detachment from the world, a place full of nothing but conflict and agony in his eyes, and his optimistic attitude regarding death. In the text, Meursault shows a lack of care towards many events and circumstances, even the ones that might be considered essential for the average person, and is thus looked down upon by members of society. His mother’s funeral symbolizes the ironic joy that can be found in death, the liberation of all life’s complications, conflicts, and miseries. Initially, Meursault is perturbed upon discovering his mother’s death. However, upon going to his mother’s funeral, he is unaffected, believing his mother is in a better place. Of his mother’s death, he says, “Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure.” This shows that despite the fact that his mother is dead, he does not feel any sort of sadness or loss, and it is possible that he considers when she died not to be important.
Instead of concentrating on the funeral service, as normal people would, Meursault instead focuses on the people who have attended the funeral. He does not display any of the regret or happiness that people have come to support him in his time of need, when he has just lost his mother.
Some other memories of the funeral have stuck in my mind. The old boy’s face, for instance, when he caught up with us for the last time, just outside the village. His eyes were streaming with tears, of exhaustion or distress, or both together. But because of the wrinkles they couldn’t flow down. They spread out, crisscrossed, and formed a smooth gloss on the old, worn face.
Meursault is detached from most things in the world and shows a lack of care towards most occurrences. However, when Meursault is free to bond with Marie, a girl he likes, he enjoys life, even if for brief moments. But even towards Marie, he seems to be indifferent because of his belief that the happiness which he is feeling is only momentary and that it will come to an end soon. When Marie asks him whether he loves her, he states that it does not mean anything, and this shows that he has no intention of taking his relationship with her further than it already is a carnal one. Meursault states, “She was wearing a pair of my pajamas with the sleeves rolled up. When she laughed I wanted her again. A minute later she asked me if I loved her. I told her it didn’t mean anything but that I didn’t think so. She looked sad.”
When he is deplored by society and incarcerated for killing a man, his freedom is essentially confiscated from him, and any values or desires that he was once able to act upon would not be able to be acted upon anymore. In addition, any appreciation he had for life and the world in which he lived is vanquished. Meursault’s trial is not focused on his assassination of the Arab man, but on his “indifference” and his “lack of emotion”, both which should be irrelevant. When questioned repeatedly about his indifference towards his mother’s funeral while he’s incarcerated, Meursault becomes upset and impatient. He finds it ridiculous and redundant the way society is condemning him for his beliefs and not for the crime he committed. Meursault is subject to execution and, at this point, is almost entirely detached from the world. He remembers his mother had told him stories of his father going to executions. Meursault believes that if he would be freed from jail, visiting executions would be joyful for him. This is due to the fact that Meursault finds joy in people being freed from their pain, their troubles, and the world itself. When a priest questions Meursault, Meursault begins divulging all his thoughts, revealing how his mother’s funeral was a moment of joy and not of grief. He was “indifferent” to his mother’s funeral because he loved her and wanted her to rest in peace and be free from the world’s complexities. Meursault’s mother’s funeral is the symbol of hope for Meursault, the symbol that he can find absolute interest in something that will last forever, and the symbol that he can be free from the world and free from society’s expectations.
When Meursault kills the Arab man, it reveals his indifference to the world and to all those who are around him. He does not experience any guilt when he is confronted for this action, he does not display any of the remorse that would be expected. He instead refers to the killing as an act which was inspired by the glare of the sun and the heat. He does not account for the reason why he shot the Arab four more times despite the fact that he was dead. One would surmise that Meursault was not only indifferent, but that he actually took a perverse pleasure in hurting other people. He realizes that his actions will land his in trouble yet he goes ahead and does them anyway. It is as if he finds satisfaction in the act of taking the Arab’s life, despite the fact that there was no real antagonism between them. Meursault gives a vivid description of how he ends up murdering the Arab in cold blood:
The trigger gave; I felt the smooth underside of the butt; and there, in that noise, sharp and deafening at the same time, is where it all started. I shook off the sweat and the sun. I knew that I had shattered the harmony of the day, the exceptional silence of a beach where I'd been happy. Then I fired four more times at the motionless body where the bullets lodged without leaving a trace. And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness.
This may have been the reason why he agreed to help his friend, Raymond, take revenge on the latter’s Arab lover because of her perceived unfaithfulness. His incarceration is a time for reflection for Meursault and it helps him to solidify his belief of being indifferent to the world around him. He does not spend his time regretting his actions as one would expect, and instead, he spends most of his time attempting to catalogue all the things he owned in his apartment. He even becomes indifferent to the fact that Marie, his girlfriend, does not come to visit him in prison, contemplating that it was human nature to forget and that it was very likely that he would also be forgotten once he was dead as he states “maybe she had become tired of being the girlfriend of a condemned man. It also occurred to me that maybe she was sick, or dead. These things happen. Anyway, after that, remembering Marie meant nothing to me. That seemed perfectly normal to me, since I understood very well that people would forget me when I was dead.”
When Meursault is approaching the end of his life since the court is likely to sentence him to death, he is visited by a priest in an attempt to save his soul. Meursault remains adamant in his atheistic beliefs, stating that God is a waste of time and that he has no interest in Him. The priest does his best to persuade this strange man, “...he said firmly, "God can help you. All the men I’ve seen in your position turned to Him in their time of trouble." Obviously, I replied, they were at liberty to do so, if they felt like it. I, however, didn’t want to be helped, and I hadn’t time to work up interest for something that didn’t interest me.” The lack of interest displayed by Meursault is an indication of his belief that there is no God and that even if His existence were true, then his soul was already condemned. It shows his lack of faith in anything or anyone in the world, because priests, in many circumstances, tend to be a symbol of hope and salvation since they have the power to grant forgiveness for sins.
In conclusion, it can be said that the main theme of this book is that of indifference because of how the main character behaves towards the world. This indifference seems to be born out of pessimism towards life as Meursault does not seem to derive joy from it. Instead of looking upon death with fear or sadness, he looks upon it as a means of salvation from the troubles of the world. It is possible that when Camus was writing this book, he was contemplating on the meaninglessness of the physical world, since it is a place of pain and suffering, and the escape from it through death.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Transformation of Achilles

Homer’s Iliad is one of the most popular poems from the ancient world, and it sought to ensure that it promoted the achievements of the various heroes. Among the heroes that are mentioned in the poem, perhaps even one of its most significant subjects is Achilles. Achilles is an individual that undergoes a considerable transformation from being one full of godly pride to one that is essentially human. This paper seeks to document the transformation that Achilles undergoes through an analysis of his pride and honor, his rage, and finally, his humanization.
Among the most significant factors that guide the life Achilles in the Iliad are his pride and honor. These are considered essential traits, especially by the author of the poem, who seeks to enhance them through his characters. Achilles’ pride and honor are what dictate his actions and this is especially the case where he feels that his honor has been betrayed by Agamemnon because the latter, who is the commander of the Achaeans, has essentially taken his mistress, Briseis, away from him. Achilles does not seem to really love Briseis because despite constantly professing his love for her, he does not do anything to stop Agamemnon’s agents from taking her away from him. Achilles therefore is driven by his pride not to undertake any action to protect his mistress, while at the same time also seeking to ensure that his displeasure is shown through his decision not to help the Achaeans in the war effort against Troy.
In addition, Achilles is driven by his rage as seen in the line “Rage – Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles,” (1, 1). The situation essentially leads to significant losses in men during the Trojan War. This is especially the case considering that because of his rage against Agamemnon, Achilles refuses to support his fellow Achaeans in the war to such an extent that the conflict continues to drag on for longer than would otherwise have been the case. His rage, coupled with pride, leads Achilles to focus all his attention on a single individual rather than considering the plight of his countrymen. However, all this changes when Achilles’ best friend, Patroclus, is killed by Hector, the Trojan hero. The result is that Achilles’ rage is shifted from Agamemnon and directed at Hector, on who he wants to exact revenge. This situation changes the tide of the Trojan War to such an extent that Achilles ends up leading the Achaeans to victory while at the same time ending up killing Hector.
Following the death of Hector at the hands of Achilles, the latter’s rage abates and he ended up becoming a more human character. Achilles becomes more capable of showing human emotions, as seen in his joyousness and fairness when he distributes prizes to his colleagues during the funeral games held in honor of Patroclus. In addition, he professes his love for Briseis, who has been restored to him; is a sign of his essentially being happy following the satisfaction of his rage. Moreover, he also agrees to give back Hector’s body to his father King Priam, who desires to give his son an honorable funeral as befits a prince of Troy. Therefore, Achilles’ transformation leads him from a proud individual who believes himself to be superior to all other to being one that is essentially more human with feelings that can be associated with the latter personality.

In conclusion, Achilles is shown to be an individual that throughout most of the Iliad has a building rage. The intervention of the gods prevent him from killing Agamemnon when they have an argument, but it is only after the death of Patroclus that Achilles’ rage becomes of service to the Achaeans. Hector’s death transforms Achilles into a more human character because all the rage that is in him is expended.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Film Depictions of The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice is one of the greatest plays and works that was created by Shakespeare for performance on stage and because of this, it has remained exceedingly popular to the present day. When this play is made into movies, one will find that most of the scenes remain loyal to the original play since changing any aspect of the script within the movie would be detrimental to it. One of the most notable similarities between the play and the movie is the fact that some the characters in the play end up doing things that are ethically wrong, and despite having this knowledge, they tend to end up doing it because of the belief that they are within their rights. For the duration of the film, the director shows the reality of each of the characters in line with the play and he does this from the very beginning. In order to create a situation where there is a contrast of characters that leads the movie into its climax, the director of the movie chooses an appropriate time to reveal the original plot to the audience. But before the climax of the film, he uses the main characters’ personalities and other events to convince the audience that what they are viewing is the real plot of the film. By doing this, the director ensures that he maintains the element of surprise that will captivate his audience at the climax and this is almost exactly as Shakespeare did in his play and by being loyal to the script; the movie follows the same course of events as when it is performed on stage.
While the main plot of the play is retained in the movie, the latter does not completely remain loyal to the script as seen where the roles of some characters is diminished in favor of others. In most of the film versions of the play, one will notice that the roles of some of the minor characters are completely removed and that some of their lines are given to other characters. In a way, this is perhaps done with the intention of reducing the budget of making these films but by doing this, the directors of the movies being created end up watering down the original plot. The failure to constantly remain loyal to the script of the play and the removal of some characters shows that the film versions of the play are mainly concerned about making money and for entertainment. Loyal followers of the play tend not to take the film versions seriously because unlike when the play is performed on stage, the audience is not as involved. In fact, one would go as far as to state that the film depiction of the Merchant of Venice is one which makes its loyal audience to feel isolated and not as a part of the development of the plot. This isolation or detachment can be considered to be a failure of the film version of the play, and the directors of future movie depictions need to do more to ensure that their movies are absolutely loyal to the original script.
While, as stated above, the movie depictions of the play tend not to completely follow the original script, it is a fact that many of the main themes within the play are displayed. The theme of racism, for example, is as prevalent within the movie as it is within the play and this creates a lot of tension in the movie as it would if performed on stage. Both the stage and film versions of the play display a setting where Christians were most distrustful of those who practiced Judaism and this is manifested in diverse ways throughout these depictions, especially through the depictions made of the Shylock, the main Jewish character. In both of depictions, Shylock is displayed as an evil, greedy, and vengeful man whose main aim throughout the play is not only to seek revenge but also to maximize the profits of his business as much as possible. In addition, the fact that in the Venice of the Middle Ages, women were considered to be secondary citizens is also shown as seen when Portia has to dress and act as a male lawyer in order to get to defend her fiancée. In essence, both versions of the play are performed in such a way that they are able to show the importance of women in society and the need to ensure that they are not left in the background, as is the case in the play.
The movie version of the play can be seen to have been made with the play in thought especially when it comes to the physical appearance of the characters. In both the film and plays, the characters seem to be selected from those people who are similar in appearance. The directors of these representations remain loyal to the original script to the latter, with the appearance of the characters being as described in the original script. This gives the audience the opportunity to appreciate the various characters within the play and film and to identify with them in a more intimate way than if their appearance were changed. In addition, there is the potential that the most loyal fans of the play on stage are attracted to the film version not only because it remains loyal to the original script, but also because the appearance of the characters remains the same. It can therefore be said that the movie depictions of the play are a major success because they ensure that there is a sense of continuity from the original play and this enables the latter to continue in popularity as it has for the last four centuries. It can be concluded that there are more successes than failures when it comes to the depiction of the play in film because not only the script but also the depiction of the characters has remained loyal to that envisioned by Shakespeare.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Tragedy in Othello

Shakespeare wrote Othello, the Moor of Venice, at a time when the English, in their expansion around the world, encountered cultures that were different to their own and also at a time when many in Europe were feeling threatened by the continuous expansion of the Ottoman Turk empire. An analysis of the play Othello reveals it to be a tragedy: from the beginning of this play to its end, the stage is set for the eventual downfall of Othello, the main protagonist, at the hands of none other than Iago, a man who he trusts and considers a friend.  The tragedy that can be observed in this play is observed through human nature and it is possible that Shakespeare’s intention was to show that despite the differences in race, all human beings are of the same nature and display the same characteristics. In this play, Shakespeare tackles subjects such as racism, love, hate, jealousy, pride, trickery and persecution to develop his characters as well as to make the audience see these characteristics in themselves.
In this play, although it is not blatantly displayed, is the theme of persecution which eventually leads to and is a part of the tragedy. Shakespeare's depiction of persecution in this play is based on racial stereotypes that depict the Venetians as a peace loving and courteous people in opposition to the violent and warlike tendencies of the Turks and the Moors. It is because of this that the Venetian senate decides to bring in Othello, a Moor and an outsider, to help them fight their wars against the Turks. It is further seen that it is difficult for outsiders to fit into Venetian society due to the fact that despite Othello having served Venice for a very long time, he has not established any strong personal relationships with any of those around him. If he had known these people well, then he would not have been swayed by the lies that he was told by Iago, a man who he trusted blindly. It can further be said that his blind trust of Iago was an attempt to fit into Venetian society and it is quite possible that Iago was the first Venetian to ever listen to him concerning things which were not military in nature. It is against this background that the tragedy of the play is set because Iago uses Othello’s feeling of being an outsider as well as the stereotype of his race being violent to plot his downfall.
In this play, there is a focus on the differences in age and color between Othello and his wife Desdemona and Shakespeare does this to escalate Othello’s isolation from Venetian society and to display his vulnerability towards manipulation. Othello had spent many years on the battlefield and had therefore not had the time to indulge in normal society and to develop the skills necessary for understanding and surviving within it. His wife was much younger than him and this may have made him feel inadequate due to his thinking that she may have preferred somebody younger. Furthermore, she is the daughter of a senator, meaning that he had married way above his social station in Venice and this only because he was a great general and not because he was regarded as a Venetian, since despite his lengthy service to it, he was still not a native of the city. Sid Smith in his 1995 article in the Chicago Tribune states that Othello’s race and culture may also have had a part in his feeling inadequate and his having a lack of understanding of his wife because it was quite different to that of the Venetians and this leads to Iago taking advantage of this to convince him that Desdemona is having an affair, a part of his scheme to destroy Othello.
All the relationships in the play shows the vulnerability of the characters within it when these characters get personally involved with each other. Each of these relationships, centered around one character, Iago, displays the insecurities around each of the other characters, and it is these insecurities which Iago uses in his evil plot for the demise of Othello. The marital relationships between the various characters in this play show their vulnerability because they bring out the best hopes and the worst fears of the characters involved. Othello’s marriage to Desdemona shows that although two people can truly love each other, the need for one or both partners to have control over the other can destroy such a relationship and will instead cause heartache and turmoil in their lives.
The tragedy in this play is based on Iago’s attempt to destroy every bit of happiness that Othello has by gaining psychological and emotional control over those people who are around Othello or are closely associated with him. Iago’s actions can only be compared to the Christian depiction of the devil because he not only wants to destroy Othello but also everything and everyone he values, without any logical explanation except a vague one in Act I line 60 when he states “I am not, what I am.” Shakespeare uses Iago’s character to show that is a very dangerous thing to believe completely in what anybody tells you without finding out all the facts for oneself. Iago skillfully used his relationships with the other characters in the play to manipulate their emotions and desires to suit his purposes. If Othello had been willing to listen to all the parties involved as Iago’s pawn in the makings of his downfall instead of listening only to Iago, then the tragedy that occurred would not have happened.
In conclusion, the play Othello can be considered, from its very beginnings to have the makings of a tragedy. All of Iago’s machinations against Othello come to fruition at the end of the play when Othello kills his wife due to his belief that she was cheating on him, something which he has not proven to be true. When Iago’s wife Emilia confesses her husband’s scheme against him, Othello kills himself due to the regret and shame he feels for killing his innocent wife. Furthermore, the play also ends in tragedy for Iago, whose deeds are eventually exposed and he is taken away to be tortured and most likely to be eventually killed. Therefore, the events of this play end in tragedy not only for the protagonist, but also for the antagonist.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Things Fall Apart - Achebe's Criticism of Pre-Colonial Igbo Culture

Things Fall Apart is the story of a society at a crossroads between the traditional way of life, and modernity, as represented by the coming of the white man and the colonial government. It is the story of Okonkwo, the main character, who struggles to attain his position in society and once he achieves it, this position comes to be threatened by the coming of the colonial government. In writing this novel, Chinua Achebe seems to be criticizing some of the traditional ways of the Igbo society through the various characters that are encountered in the novel. Among the things which Achebe looks at are; the killing of hostages for in exchange for a life taken; the definition of masculinity; and finally, the violence displayed by some of the men in Igbo society.
Among the most prominent of the characters in this novel is Okonkwo, whose personality can be said to be thoroughly masculine and who is used as an example from which all the other men in Umuofia are defined. There are instances throughout the novel where Okonkwo is described as doing things which one would associate with masculinity. He is extremely hardworking and ambitious, whose aim is to build his reputation to the highest level that can be attained in his society. While this is the case, he seems to have an extremely difficult relationship with his son, Nwoye, whom he believes not to be manly enough. Okonkwo is, throughout the novel, seen to treat his son quite harshly, even in very trivial situations. This creates a situation where the relationship between these two is extremely strained and there is a rift between them that cannot be filled. As a result, Nwoye eventually chooses to leave his father’s home and join the missionaries, where he eventually comes to find peace. In this case, Achebe seems to be criticizing the aloof nature of Okonkwo in raising his son, believing that if he shows any affection for Nwoye, then the boy will end up being weak and effeminate.
Achebe criticizes the Igbo practice of killing of hostages from another village in revenge in a situation where a person from the said village has taken a life. He uses the case of Ikemefuna to show his disapproval since this boy was brought to Umuofia as a hostage, where he was put in the charge of Okonkwo. Ikemefuna becomes a part of Okonkwo’s household and is, in fact, treated as an older brother by the latter’s children. However, there comes a time when the Oracle declares that Ikemefuna, has to be put to death in revenge for the killing of an Umuofian years earlier. Okonkwo is the one who gives the deathblow with his matchet despite the fact that he had grown extremely fond of the boy. He kills Ikemefuna not because he has to, but because of the fact that he does not want to be seen as weak by his peers. Okonkwo later feels disturbed by this action and goes to speak to his best friend Obierika, who, ever the voice of reason in the novel, tells him that he should not have participated in the killing of Ikemefuna. Obierika further reveals that he himself did not participate in the putting to death of Ikemefuna, and this can be said to be Achebe’s way of showing his disapproval of the practice.
In Things Fall Apart, violence and a quick temper are associated with masculinity and it is something which is associated to all the men within the society. The most prominent of these is Okonkwo, who, despite his being a kindhearted man; he displays his manly authority by ruling his household with a heavy hand, often beating his wives whenever they do anything to offend him. He is also seen to have a particularly bad temper as seen when he almost shoots Ekwefi after she insults his pride. In addition, whereas the other men of Unuofia choose to submit to colonial rule, Okonkwo chooses to retain the past ideals of his society by remaining violent. This eventually leads to a point when he hacks a colonial officer to death with a machete, thinking that this will lead to the men of Umuofia rising against colonial rule. When this does not happen, he realizes that his way of life is gone, and as a result, hangs himself. In this case, Achebe displays his disapproval of the violent ways of the Igbo culture and how such violence might lead to the destruction of the people.