Friday, December 7, 2018

Rethinking Afghanistan, Again by John Kerry

John Kerry mentions some of the hard decisions that President Obama has had to make since he became president concerning the war in Afghanistan. He states that the current administration inherited a problem which had very few viable options as solutions and this was the reason behind Obama deciding to send additional troops to Afghanistan in order to stabilize the country. One of the issues that he points out is that the United States has the responsibility to ensure that the Taliban, which is allied with al Qaeda, does not get a footing in Afghanistan because to do so would mean that al Qaeda once again has the resources to attack the United States. Thus, his speech suggests that it is essential for both military and civilian solutions to be found to the Afghan war so that it becomes possible for the United States to fulfill its responsibility of protecting its people from the threat of terrorism. Moreover, this speech seeks to justify the actions taken by the Obama administration to bring the war in Afghanistan to an end  using an approach that would be advantageous for both Americans and the people of Afghanistan.

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