Monday, March 25, 2019

Louis Feuer and Mary Sherry on Education

Education is one of the most important things in the world today; in fact, it is considered a basic human right by most international organizations. In this paper, we shall look at two articles with different approaches to education and we shall compare these approaches to each other. The first article is by Louis Feuer and it discusses education among salespeople who are involved in the home care industry. It discusses the need for these salespeople to have the knowledge necessary not only to educate their customers but to also advance themselves professionally. It looks at the various ways through which salespeople can be able to achieve this education and the importance of achieving it. The second article is by Mary Sherry and it discusses how the diplomas that students receive from the education system of today are worthless and this is mainly due to the fact that teachers no longer care to find out whether their students have received the knowledge they have been taught or not. It looks at the various ways through which students can be motivated to get interested in their studies so that their education can be beneficial not only to them, but also to the society in which they will work. In this paper, we shall compare the different approaches that these two authors have suggested as a remedy for filling up the gaps in education both in the workplace and at school. We shall look at the following; an approach to education, failures in the education system, and finally, the actions to be taken to ensure that education is beneficial.
Feuer and Sherry have suggested very different approaches to ensure that people get the necessary education to be able to excel in life. Feuer states that there are so many books on sales each having its own approach that it can be confusing for those who would like to learn more about it. He suggests that it is always best to ensure that those people who are learning about sales are taught only the most important points which they may use when doing their work. There is no need to overeducate them because this will only lead to their confusion during the sales process. Sherry, on the other hand, states that teachers are no longer paying attention to their students’ educational welfare and instead tend to pass them along to the next class even though they have not learned anything in the previous class. This results in the failure of the education system because many of those who receive high school diplomas tend to be practically illiterate and this is all due to negligence by their teachers. Sherry suggests that teachers should take a more active role in ensuring that their students are interested in their education and this can be done through the giving of incentive and motivation.
The second comparison of these two articles is based on the failures of the education system to fulfill the needs of those who it is supposed to serve. Feuer states that there are very many approaches which can be used by salespeople to become successful in their field. He says that despite all these approaches being available, it is up to the salespeople themselves to be willing to learn these them so that they can work. Despite education being one of the most important tools for salespeople to have, it is hardly ever included in the agenda of any sales meetings and Feuer considers this to be a very big mistake on the part of those who organize these sales meetings. This may lead to the incompetence of salespeople while they are doing their work in the field. Sherry even though they are writing on two very different issues, Sherry also states that education is very important for all people and that it should be encouraged from a young age so that educational competence can be created. She states that this is not the case with the current education system since students are not passed on to another class due to the merit of their performance in class but just because their teachers do not want to leave them behind. Students are not encouraged to take an active interest in their education and instead, they are left to do whatever they wish so long as they show up at school.
The third comparison of these works concerns the approaches which the two authors have suggested will remedy the incredible lack of interest in education. Feuer suggests that the best approach to make sure that salespeople are educated enough to do their work efficiently is for them to view themselves as teachers or educators. This will encourage them to do research about the products which they are trying to sell to their customers and this will not only help them do their work well, it will also ensure that they have gained the knowledge necessary to facilitate their education. Sherry, similarly, has a very radical approach to ensuring that students are interested in their education. She states that teachers should not be afraid to make their students flunk their tests and exams if this will encourage them to study hard. She gives an example of her own son who had previously not been interested in his English lessons but all this changed when his teacher threatened him with flunking. This made him work very hard at this subject and he eventually got an A.
There are many remedies which can be used to fill up the gap in our education system and in the workplace. Both Sherry and Feuer stress the importance of education and each of them states that the most effective way of getting people educated is by getting them interested in the education itself. Not only will this ensure that they are interested, it will motivate them to work on their own to find out those things which are necessary for them to excel. For Sherry, the threat of failure seems to be the best approach, while for Feuer, it is the determination of one to learn which is the key.

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