Thursday, July 22, 2021

How does the individual relate or interact with an educational organizational culture?


Organizational culture can have an extremely important influence over an organization, especially when it comes to the way that the employees of the said organization conduct their duties (Tierney & Lanford, 2015). It has the ability to ensure that individuals are made to focus on the specific objectives of the organization in such a way that they are able to undertake them without feeling any pressure to do so. The importance of organizational culture can also be seen through the way that it develops with the aim of fulfilling the goals of the organization, in this case the vision and the mission (Zafar et al., 2016). Within an educational setting, it plays a pertinent role in securing the academic objectives of the institution in such a way that the management, tutors, and students end up pursuing the same culture that defines the institution. This paper considers the way that the individual interacts with the educational organizational culture using the organizational learning paradigm, with specific reference to management training, management development, and organizational development.

Organizational culture is often developed through management training. This is a process that involves a scenario where the managers of the educational institution involved are provided with training that is in line with its objectives (Cookson, 2017). Organizational cultures as a whole will often have considerable influence on individuals, in this case managers, to such an extent that they end up in a situation where they become more similar than different. A consequence is that it leads to the development of a unified perspective concerning how the institution is to be run to such an extent that the culture that is developed not only remains prevalent, but it is adopted by future generations of managers. Thus, through management training, the institution will often seek to maintain its culture by instilling its philosophy as well as values in such a way that inculcates its norms as examples that should be adhered to by managers. In this way, it becomes possible for the institution involved to maintain its culture over long periods without any notable change unless the change is necessary.

Another important aspect of individual interaction with organizational culture that can be considered through the organizational learning paradigm is management development. Within an educational institution, it is often necessary for there to be the promotion of the unique capabilities of the managers in a bid to utilize them to further the interests of the institution (Megheirkouni, 2017). Institutions will often seek to ensure that they provide their employees with management development through considerable investment. This is seen through the presence of counseling programs, and career testing, which ensures that the individual involved is able to receive feedback on the test results concerning their abilities, personalities, and interests. Individuals are also encouraged to undergo personal growth experiences as a means of making sure that there is the advancement of means through which they can gain new ideas concerning technological advancements and management that could be useful for the educational institution. However, while self-development is the major focus of their process, it is important to note that it is often conducted based on the culture of the institution involved.

Individuals also interact with educational culture through the process of organizational development. From an organizational learning perspective, this is a process that involves planned efforts that are made to ensure that there is the changing of the culture of the institution (Hayat et al., 2019). Organizational culture in this case is used through the use of knowledge from behavioral science. In this way, it becomes possible to ensure that there is the advancement of initiatives aimed at influencing employees to cater to the health and effectiveness of the institution involved through actively participating in cultural change. As such, the major focus of this process is not merely aimed at ensuring the personal growth of the individuals within an institution, but is instead aimed at making sure that there is the establishment of guidelines concerning how the individual is related to his or her work group. The major reason for the use of organizational development is to ensure that there is the improvement of a part or the entire system that makes up the institution as a whole. It allows for the advancement of means through which the individual participates in the promotion of culture change within the institution in order to adapt it to a new environment.

In conclusion, the above discussion considers the way that the individual interacts with the educational organizational culture using the organizational learning paradigm, with specific reference to management training, management development, and organizational development. This is because the educational organizational culture interacts with individuals within the institution in a diversity of ways, including through training, personal development, and through the process of cultural change. In this way, the way that individuals interact with educational organizational culture is significant because it allows for cultural stability within the institutional setting.

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