Sunday, June 25, 2023

Breathless Love: Embracing Fleeting Moments by Donald O. Anabwani

In the fleeting moments we shared, my love,

How glad I am for every precious touch.

Though brief our time, it meant the world to me,

And in your presence, I found solace and such.

Your beauty, oh, it shimmered like the dawn,

A sight that stole my breath with pure delight.

Your radiant smile, like sunbeams on my soul,

I knew within that moment, it was right.

We laughed and talked, our hearts entwined as one,

Each word and gesture etched upon my mind.

No measure of time could dampen the love,

That in that fleeting moment, we would find.

But oh, my love, how I long for the days,

When hours stretch like a boundless symphony.

To gaze upon your face, to hold your hand,

Together, we'd dance in sweet harmony.

For even though our time was all too brief,

The seeds of love were planted in my heart.

And with each passing day, they grow stronger still,

A flame that nothing, not even time, can thwart.

So let us treasure each moment we're given,

Embrace the joy and cherish what we share.

And as the hands of time move ceaselessly,

Know that my love for you will always be there.

In future days, may we find endless hours,

To bask in love's embrace, so sweet and true.

For even in the brevity of our time,

You, my love, took my breath away, it's true.

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