Sunday, June 25, 2023

Longing's Melody: A Tribute to Njoki by Donald O. Anabwani

In the depths of longing, my heart does ache,

For your sweet presence, my soul does quake.

Each passing moment, an eternity it seems,

Oh, my beloved Njoki, how I miss your gleams.

Like a gentle breeze upon my weary face,

Your absence leaves a void, an empty space.

Your laughter echoes softly in my ears,

A melody I yearn to hear, erasing all my fears.

The nights are lonely, devoid of your embrace,

I yearn for the warmth of your loving grace.

Your touch, a gentle caress upon my skin,

Oh, how I ache to feel it once again.

In dreams, you visit, a vision so divine,

Your radiant smile, like stars that brightly shine.

But alas, morning comes, and you're not here,

And I'm left with remnants of you, my dear.

The world seems dull, colors fade away,

Without you, my love, it's all just shades of gray.

Every place we've been, a hollow memory,

For it is your presence that brings life's vibrancy.

Oh, how I miss your laughter's joyful sound,

The way your eyes dance, like diamonds, astound.

Your voice, like a symphony, touches my soul,

Its absence now, leaves me incomplete, not whole.

Distance may separate us, but love persists,

In every beat of my heart, your name persists.

Know that my longing for you knows no end,

You are my soul's companion, my eternal friend.

Until the day we reunite, my love,

I'll hold onto memories, like stars above.

For in my heart, you reside, forever true,

My dearest Njoki, know I deeply miss you.

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