Sunday, June 25, 2023

Melodic Reverie by Donald O. Anabwani

 In the realm of melodies, you hold the key,

For your voice, my love, is a symphony.

Its soothing whispers, a balm to my soul,

Drawing me close, making me whole.

With each word that escapes your lips so fair,

I'm enchanted, captivated by its tender air.

A dulcet serenade, a harmonious delight,

Your voice, my love, brings solace to my night.

Like a gentle river, it flows with grace,

Easing my worries, leaving no trace.

Its cadence, a rhythm that dances in my ears,

Melting my heart, dissolving all my fears.

Oh, how I crave to have you close to me,

To bask in the enchantment of your melodic decree.

For your voice, my love, is a sacred sound,

A symphony of love that wraps me around.

In moments apart, I yearn for its embrace,

Longing to hear it, to feel its tender trace.

Your voice, my love, is a lighthouse in the storm,

Guiding me home, keeping my heart warm.

It resonates deeply, with a touch of grace,

A gentle melody that time cannot erase.

And in its harmonies, I find my sanctuary,

A place where our love thrives, boundlessly.

So, let me cherish your voice, my dearest one,

For it is the essence of love, brightly spun.

With every word, a piece of my heart it steals,

Igniting a flame, a love that forever feels.

Njoki, your voice is a symphony divine,

A treasure I hold, eternally thine.

With you near, I find solace and bliss,

For your voice, my love, is the sweetest kiss.

Forever enchanted by its soothing art,

I yearn to be close, never to be apart.

For in your voice, my love, I've found my home,

A sanctuary where our love will forever roam.

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