Sunday, June 25, 2023

Whispers of Love by Donald O. Anabwani

 Oh, Njoki, my heart sings your name,

In letters woven with passion's flame.

Across the distance, my words take flight,

To reach your soul, where love finds its light.

In your presence, my world finds its glow,

A radiant warmth, like sun's golden flow.

Your laughter, a melody that enchants,

Bringing joy to every corner it plants.

In your eyes, I see the depth of the sea,

An ocean of love, calling out to me.

With every word, a connection we trace,

Binding our spirits in an embrace.

Njoki, your grace paints life's tapestry,

With vibrant hues, a masterpiece to see.

Your strength, a beacon in times of despair,

Guiding me through life's storms with tender care.

In your embrace, I find solace and peace,

A sanctuary where my heart finds release.

With you, my love, I am forever whole,

Bound together, two halves of one soul.

So, Njoki, know that my love is true,

Across the miles, it reaches for you.

In every word and every heartbeat,

You are the one my soul longs to meet.

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