Sunday, June 25, 2023

Eternal Love's Oath by Donald O. Anabwani

To Njoki, my love, let me express,

Why you are cherished, why I confess,

My love is sincere, no games I play,

With every breath, I'll prove it each day.

Your smile, a sunrise, lights up my world,

Each moment with you, a treasure unfurled.

Your laughter, a melody, sweet and true,

It brings me solace, it makes my heart anew.

In your eyes, I find a universe vast,

A reflection of love that forever will last.

Your kindness and compassion, pure and rare,

With you, Njoki, I know I'm in good care.

Your strength, a pillar, unwavering and strong,

In your embrace, I find where I belong.

You inspire me to be my very best,

Together, we'll conquer any life's test.

I promise, my love, to honor your time,

To cherish each moment, in rhythm and rhyme.

For wasting your heart is far from my aim,

With you, Njoki, forever I claim.

So hear me now, dear Njoki, so true,

My love for you is deep, honest, and grew.

I am not playing, nor wasting your days,

But building a love that forever stays.

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