Sunday, June 25, 2023

Everlasting Reverie: Souls Intertwined by Donald O. Anabwani

As each day dawns, my love does bloom,

A tender seed, within my heart's room.

With every breath, its roots grow deep,

In fertile soil, where passions leap.

My desire to know you, so genuine,

Unveiling layers, like petals within.

Each word exchanged, a glimpse of your soul,

A treasure trove, I yearn to behold.

With each passing moment, my love expands,

Like rivers flowing through enchanted lands.

I crave to learn your dreams and fears,

To hold you close, and wipe away tears.

For in your essence, I find endless grace,

A captivating puzzle, I long to embrace.

Each day my love grows, like a flame aglow,

Burning brighter, so pure and bestowed.

So let us journey, hand in hand,

Exploring the depths of this love's grand.

With open hearts, our connection we'll find,

Forever entwined, souls intertwined.

Eternal Embrace: A Love's Testament by Donald O. Anabwani

Oh, sweet love, thy essence divine,

In every breath, thy presence shines.

Like a gentle breeze upon my face,

You fill my heart with boundless grace.

In your eyes, I find a world so true,

A universe where dreams come into view.

Each glance, a symphony of emotions untold,

A tale of passion, never growing old.

With every touch, a thousand stars ignite,

Bathing us in a celestial light.

Your caress, a whisper, a tender embrace,

Melting my worries, leaving no trace.

In the depths of night, our souls entwined,

Two hearts beating in rhythm, intertwined.

Together we dance, a waltz of devotion,

Creating a love that defies all notion.

In laughter and tears, through joy and strife,

We navigate the tapestry of life.

Through valleys low and mountains high,

Our love endures, it will never die.

Oh, love, you are my guiding star,

Leading me through life, no matter how far.

In your embrace, I find solace and peace,

A sanctuary where all worries cease.

So, let this ode be a testament true,

To the love that blossoms between me and you.

Forever bound, in eternal embrace,

My love for you, a flame I'll never replace.

Breathless Love: Embracing Fleeting Moments by Donald O. Anabwani

In the fleeting moments we shared, my love,

How glad I am for every precious touch.

Though brief our time, it meant the world to me,

And in your presence, I found solace and such.

Your beauty, oh, it shimmered like the dawn,

A sight that stole my breath with pure delight.

Your radiant smile, like sunbeams on my soul,

I knew within that moment, it was right.

We laughed and talked, our hearts entwined as one,

Each word and gesture etched upon my mind.

No measure of time could dampen the love,

That in that fleeting moment, we would find.

But oh, my love, how I long for the days,

When hours stretch like a boundless symphony.

To gaze upon your face, to hold your hand,

Together, we'd dance in sweet harmony.

For even though our time was all too brief,

The seeds of love were planted in my heart.

And with each passing day, they grow stronger still,

A flame that nothing, not even time, can thwart.

So let us treasure each moment we're given,

Embrace the joy and cherish what we share.

And as the hands of time move ceaselessly,

Know that my love for you will always be there.

In future days, may we find endless hours,

To bask in love's embrace, so sweet and true.

For even in the brevity of our time,

You, my love, took my breath away, it's true.

Longing's Melody: A Tribute to Njoki by Donald O. Anabwani

In the depths of longing, my heart does ache,

For your sweet presence, my soul does quake.

Each passing moment, an eternity it seems,

Oh, my beloved Njoki, how I miss your gleams.

Like a gentle breeze upon my weary face,

Your absence leaves a void, an empty space.

Your laughter echoes softly in my ears,

A melody I yearn to hear, erasing all my fears.

The nights are lonely, devoid of your embrace,

I yearn for the warmth of your loving grace.

Your touch, a gentle caress upon my skin,

Oh, how I ache to feel it once again.

In dreams, you visit, a vision so divine,

Your radiant smile, like stars that brightly shine.

But alas, morning comes, and you're not here,

And I'm left with remnants of you, my dear.

The world seems dull, colors fade away,

Without you, my love, it's all just shades of gray.

Every place we've been, a hollow memory,

For it is your presence that brings life's vibrancy.

Oh, how I miss your laughter's joyful sound,

The way your eyes dance, like diamonds, astound.

Your voice, like a symphony, touches my soul,

Its absence now, leaves me incomplete, not whole.

Distance may separate us, but love persists,

In every beat of my heart, your name persists.

Know that my longing for you knows no end,

You are my soul's companion, my eternal friend.

Until the day we reunite, my love,

I'll hold onto memories, like stars above.

For in my heart, you reside, forever true,

My dearest Njoki, know I deeply miss you.

Melodic Reverie by Donald O. Anabwani

 In the realm of melodies, you hold the key,

For your voice, my love, is a symphony.

Its soothing whispers, a balm to my soul,

Drawing me close, making me whole.

With each word that escapes your lips so fair,

I'm enchanted, captivated by its tender air.

A dulcet serenade, a harmonious delight,

Your voice, my love, brings solace to my night.

Like a gentle river, it flows with grace,

Easing my worries, leaving no trace.

Its cadence, a rhythm that dances in my ears,

Melting my heart, dissolving all my fears.

Oh, how I crave to have you close to me,

To bask in the enchantment of your melodic decree.

For your voice, my love, is a sacred sound,

A symphony of love that wraps me around.

In moments apart, I yearn for its embrace,

Longing to hear it, to feel its tender trace.

Your voice, my love, is a lighthouse in the storm,

Guiding me home, keeping my heart warm.

It resonates deeply, with a touch of grace,

A gentle melody that time cannot erase.

And in its harmonies, I find my sanctuary,

A place where our love thrives, boundlessly.

So, let me cherish your voice, my dearest one,

For it is the essence of love, brightly spun.

With every word, a piece of my heart it steals,

Igniting a flame, a love that forever feels.

Njoki, your voice is a symphony divine,

A treasure I hold, eternally thine.

With you near, I find solace and bliss,

For your voice, my love, is the sweetest kiss.

Forever enchanted by its soothing art,

I yearn to be close, never to be apart.

For in your voice, my love, I've found my home,

A sanctuary where our love will forever roam.